St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 276 Church St., has been serving Montrose, Pa., and surrounding communities with God’s love through Jesus Christ since 1831.
Our Sunday services are at 10 a.m. Sundays. Our office hours are 8:10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. You can reach us at 570-278-2954 or visit us on facebook at facebook.com/stpaulsmontrose
Since the foundation of our church was laid in 1831, St. Paul’s has reached out to our surrounding communities with open arms. Our current church was built in 1859 at its current location, 276 Church St., Montrose. Our parish house was established as a place of hospitality, open to the community, welcoming both stranger and friend alike into our faith community.
As a church of Jesus Christ within the Anglican Communion, we have continued to grow in respect for the dignity of every human being. We welcome all who seek grace and fellowship with God regardless of race, gender, creed or sexual orientation, whether rich or poor.
St. Paul’s is uniquely blessed with more than a century and a half of Christian worship within the community and the world around us. God’s love supports us in our individual and community missions and together with the Holy Spirit guides us in coming together as a community of faith and worship.
St. Paul’s is a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem, and is thus a part of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, whose central figure and location is the Archbishop of Canterbury, England.
The Anglican Communion is grounded in the affirmation of:
- The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Apocrypha, as being the rule and standard of faith and salvation; along with tradition and reasoning.
- The Apostles’ and Nicene Creed, as the sufficient statement of the Christian faith.
- The two Sacraments ordained by Christ — Holy Baptism and Holy Communion — ministered with unfailing use of Christ’s words of Institution, and of the elements of bread and wine, ordained by Him.
- The Historic Episcopate, locally adapted in the methods of its administration to the varying needs of the nations and peoples called of God into the Unity of His Church.
We at St. Paul’s have always been active within the community of Montrose, the Episcopal and ecumenical church communities, and the global community.
As a living witness within the Montrose Ministry of Christian Service (MCS), we have participated for more than 20 years with the Presbyterian Church of Montrose, the Montrose United Methodist Church and Holy Name of Mary Roman Catholic Church, to provide assistance to individuals and families in need within the immediate area. MCS provides assistance throughout the year, but especially at Christmas and Easter. Needy families receive food boxes at Christmas and Easter, and more than 200 children receive Christmas gifts each year.
Each fall, St. Paul’s volunteers as a partner with American Legion Post 154 for its annual Coats for the Community Program, collecting, purchasing and giving out free winter coats to the needy. This year, more than 1,700 were given out at St. Paul’s and three other Episcopal churches in Susquehanna County.
St. Paul’s is also active with our partner church in Africa, the Pomoju Parish in the Diocese of Kajo Keji, one of 24 dioceses of the Anglican Communion, in the Southern Sudan. St. Paul’s has been instrumental in building and maintaining a school for women, named in memory of the former rector’s daughter, Dr. Katherine Moulton.
Our parish house serves as a gathering place for community groups and the Montrose Adult School. A unique ministry begun in 1925 from a generous gift given by Samuel Warriner, the gift stipulated that the new parish house should be used for the benefit of our church and the Montrose community. Mr. Warriner left a trust fund for the use of the building upkeep. And since its construction over 85 years ago, hundreds of community events have been offered in our Parish Hall, including Boy Scout meetings, blood drives, fund-raising, AA meetings, adult learning classes, and more.
Our hearts and doors will always be open to the community of Montrose.