The Reverend Melinda Altman

The Rev. Melinda Artman, priest-in-charge of Church of the Redeemer in Sayre, has been appointed as Northern Missioner effective November 1. In this new role, she will help oversee and provide for pastoral care and support services for St. Paul’s in Montrose, St. Mark’s in New Milford, and Christ Church in Susquehanna. The role may expand to cover other churches as needed. Also assisting Artman will be Betsy Sentigar, candidate for the transitional diaconate.
Administrative Assistant

Kate Aukema

Vestry leadership
John Warriner, Senior Warden
Vickie Calby, Junior Warden
John Finlon, Finance Warden
Wanda Peirce, Clerk of Vestry
Vestry members
Jack Lasher
Dan Graham
Vera Dunn
John Warriner
Andrew Wurth
Altar Guild
Barbara Undercoffler
… as available
Benjamin Zalewski
Sean Eckert
Dan Graham
John Finlon
Transcendent Digital Media & Kate Aukema
Daughters of the King
Vickie Calby