St. Paul’s Church, Montrose welcomes you. If you are visiting, seeking, considering a new church family or your first church family, you will fin
d the following at St. Paul’s. We are an affirming, worshiping faith community of imperfect people who do our best to spread the love of Jesus. Judging is left to God; it’s too much work for us mere mortals. We love children and don’t care if yours act like children during the service. We embrace you if you are gay, straight, Christian, not sure what you are, sad, happy, a person in addiction or someone in recovery. When we pass the peace, you will be greeted by all of us; don’t be afraid — we like to hug! Everyone is welcome at the communion rail whether for a blessing or to receive the sacraments. You will be invited to coffee hour by at least ten of us. We promise you won’t go away hungry! Give us a chance — we’re eager to meet you!
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Be sure to check out our live stream on Sundays at 10 am.